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 2011  “Robert Huang, Paris, and Roses” at Centre culturel de Chine à Paris

 2011  “Robert Huang, Paris, and Roses” at Centre culturel de Chine à Paris

2010  National Art Museum of Taiwan

2010  National Art Museum of Taiwan

2010  National Art Museum of Taiwan

2010  National Art Museum of Taiwan

2003  Visa Cover, Yellow Rose (First Chinese artist’ work on a visa card cover)

2003  Visa Cover, Yellow Rose (First Chinese artist’ work on a visa card cover)

2009  JCB Cover, first Chinese Artist’ Collab with JCB, Rose Garden at Kenting

2009  JCB Cover, first Chinese Artist’ Collab with JCB, Rose Garden at Kenting

2011  Master Cover, The Fiery Roses

2011  Master Cover, The Fiery Roses

2010  sculpture at National Museum of Taiwan, 99 Flying Roses

2010  sculpture at National Museum of Taiwan, 99 Flying Roses

2010.12.02  Garden of Roses, Beijing Poly Auction, (Oil Paint, Canvas, 130x89cm) RMB $235,200 

2010.12.02  Garden of Roses, Beijing Poly Auction, (Oil Paint, Canvas, 130x89cm) RMB $235,200 

2011.12.04  Beijing Poly Auction, Red Rose and White Rose (Oil Paint, Canvas, 130x89cm) RMB $483,000

2011.12.04  Beijing Poly Auction, Red Rose and White Rose (Oil Paint, Canvas, 130x89cm) RMB $483,000

2004  The Victorian Collection (60 pieces, First Chinese Artist Collaboration with Ansley)

2004  The Victorian Collection (60 pieces, First Chinese Artist Collaboration with Ansley)

2006  Tai-Chi Rose Collection (debuted in Frankfurt)

2006  Tai-Chi Rose Collection (debuted in Frankfurt)

2012  The Queen’s 60th Coronation Commemoration Trophy (debuted in Taipei)

2012  The Queen’s 60th Coronation Commemoration Trophy (debuted in Taipei)

2010  English Rose Gold Collection

2010  English Rose Gold Collection

2002 To Commemorate The Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ - Robert Huang

2002 To Commemorate The Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ - Robert Huang

2010  Collaborated as one of the designers for Prince William’s Wedding Collection.

2010  Collaborated as one of the designers for Prince William’s Wedding Collection.

Collaboration with Royal Crown Derby (A fine bone China ware brand)2013  Hand Painted Vase

Collaboration with Royal Crown Derby (A fine bone China ware brand)
2013  Hand Painted Vase

2003  Chinese Oil Painting, Cover Story

2003  Chinese Oil Painting, Cover Story

2004  China Art, Cover Story, Life of a Painting whilst on an Easel

2004  China Art, Cover Story, Life of a Painting whilst on an Easel

2004  China Art, Cover Story, A Life Singing Artist

2004  China Art, Cover Story, A Life Singing Artist

2004  ARTCO, Cover Story

2004  ARTCO, Cover Story